
2 nov 2011

La letra del himno del proyecto Comenius

There are seven roads through Europe
Seven roads through Europe
There are seven roads through Europe
Which one will you take?
Which path will you choose?
Which path will you choose?
Oh, Which one will you take?
Which path will you choose?
Which path will you choose?
Oh which one will you take?
There are seven schools in Europe
Seven schools in Europe
There are seven schools in Europe
Which school will you take?
What friends will you make?
What friends will you make?
Oh, Which school will you take?
What friends will you make?
What friends will you make?
Oh which school will you take?
We are friends in Europe
Friends in Europe
Friends today, tomorrow and always.
We are friends in Europe
Friends in Europe
Friends today, tomorrow and always.

Esta es la letra del himno del proyecto Comenius que iremos practicando en clase.

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